Convert a Certificate File to PKCS#12 Format

A client: To connect to the Enterprise CA.. Root certificate: An exported copy of your root certificate from your Enterprise CA.. Microsoft Intune Certificate Connector (also called the NDES Certificate Connector): In the Intune portal, go to Device configuration > Certificate Connectors > Add, and follow the Steps to install the connector for PKCS #12.Use the download link in the portal to Create certificates profile in Microsoft® Intune - Azure Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) imported certificate: PKCS#12 (or PFX) Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) To deploy these certificates, you'll create and assign certificate profiles to devices. Each individual certificate profile you create supports a single platform. For example, if you use PKCS certificates, you'll create draft-moriarty-pkcs12v1-1-01 - PKCS #12: Personal PKCS #12 v1.1 describes a transfer syntax for personal identity information, including private keys, certificates, miscellaneous secrets, and extensions. Machines, applications, browsers, Internet kiosks, and so on, that support this standard will allow a user to import, export, and exercise a single set of personal identity information. This standard supports direct transfer of personal

The secure location could be a hardware crypto device (HSM or USB token etc) or software (PKCS#12, JKS, Windows key store or MAC key chain etc). Applicant generates a PKCS#10 structure. It mainly includes the subject information, public key generated in the above step and optionally PKCS…

Generating a PKCS#12 Private Key and Public Certificate

PKCS 12 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

Download and Install PersonalSign Certificate :: Download